Nicole Gueron, New York Loser Lawyer Muzzles Press Freedom, Sponsors Racism

NICOLE GUERON, an obscure New York lawyer from an equally curious and tiny New York law firm Clarick Gueron Reisbaum LLP may have just caught herself some serious jungle fever sponsoring racism, peeping into the pants of a newbie lawyer ASHLEIGH HUNT, allegedly having sex with a notorious Georgetown airhead named Chris Brummer, and muzzling America’s free speech. In October 2017, CHRIS BRUMMER, NICOLE GUERON, ROBERT COLBY, ALAN LAWHEAD, MICHAEL GARAWSKI WERE SUED FOR $100 MILLION FRAUD. BREAKING: NICOLE GUERON, CHRIS BRUMMER WON THE 2017 THEBLOT MAGAZINE AVID READERS AWARD More: A middle-aged “woman” dressed in the classic, cheap polyester … Continue reading Nicole Gueron, New York Loser Lawyer Muzzles Press Freedom, Sponsors Racism